Sunday, February 27, 2011

A rose by anyother name...It doesn't have to be a rose to create a wonderful memory

We went to Woodfield Mall yesterday and did some shopping: A lot of good sales that were saving a lot of people money. I’m not a mall guy but I was extremely satisfied.

While on our trip to the mall, we stumbled upon these local farmers that were giving out free potatoes. They will be featured at “the Jewel” in the future and were handing them out for publicity. We got two bags and I plan on fixing a bag tonight for dinner. My menu?

1.) Chicken breast rollups with Swiss cheese, parmesan and seasoned bread crumbs.

2) Butter roasted new and red baby potatoes with olive oil, garlic, paprika, pepper, salt and red onion, and carrots

3.) Fried bread in butter, garlic, and parmesan cheese

We took Keira to Target with us today and she had a blast. I got to give her the first bouquet ever! She was all smiles. She pointed them out when we walked in and we looked at them and that was honestly enough for her but when she found out she could have them for herself and keep them at home she was so happy. We picked out the color she wanted and handed them to her and she was all aglow! As I gave them to her, I thought some day, some crappy boy is going to give them to her, and she will smile and love them, but no way he will ever appreciate her smile as much as I do especially today. They’ll never appreciate her smile and laugh as much as I do.

I went through this with Melanie, my first daughter with other events. Skating, movies, dinner etc…each time, a little piece of her grew up, and I grew sadder each time as she grew into a woman: but she is still my little girl and I love her so much. (I’ll still break a boys legs if he hurts her enough for her to tell me he did it. She handles her idiots herself mostly. LOL)

My little girls, each growing up and taking different steps: They should all stop growing at 6 or 7 and stay alive forever really. That’s the most fun time.  Nothing has jaded them at that age and they can still enjoy new experiences with wonder and open eyes. Sigh.

I am watching NCIS marathon while I eat a bologna sandwich with BBQ chips and Dr Pepper.

I played guitar last night for quite a while, that is until Keira tried to climb on me. For the most part, she usually plays her Spongebob guitar or dances while I play, but I guess I played too long and she got bored and wanted to sit with me. I think I hurt her feelings because I told her no twice and once forcefully. She ran crying and whining as usual onto the couch, so I stopped playing. I didn’t stop because she interrupted me as much as she would be climbing on my back and hurting me as well as I could just see her toppling off the chair while I was oblivious to her status.

It’s getting near spring time here and is a little warmer. We have however, about 60% of our prior spring snow still left to receive before spring is truly here. I look forward to the new place: Sitting on the back porch watching the sun in the morning across the fields and the horses, walking in the woods and fields by the creek and playing basketball in the driveway again.

Back to here, I have two papers to read and an hour of relaxation and quiet to enjoy before my wife and wonderful daughter wake up to breech that silence. LOL


Friday, February 25, 2011

Opinions and noses...we all got 'em.

I will probably piss off some folks with this one but oh well. It’s my blog and my opinion.

I see this stuff on TV about the union bill, and being a democrat I have to side with the Republicans and say I would love to see Unions gone! They are now everything that unions were put together to protect against. I should not be MADE to pay into anything I don’t believe in or not allowed to work or be treated differently because I am NOT in the union or want to be in it.

First, arbitration is ridiculous. It’s a coin flip. No one is benefiting from it. They decide when they walk into the meeting, when the associate or employee is not present, and give and take then the show begins for the associate so the Union looks like its taking up for the associate. Just ridiculous.

Now Unions had their place and they have run their course. With labor laws the way they are now, occupations are protected well enough and can be handled with normal litigation when breaks in the regulations occur.

I am speaking from experience when I refer to my step-dad’s tenure at a company in Tennessee and they were on strike for 6 months. He was on the picket line everyday for up to 12 hours a day and made $10 a week from the union. Wow. Thanks for that dough. We ate biscuits and gravy for 6 months. I loved going to school so I could get a big good lunch. Aside from that he almost lost his job during one of the arbitration meetings because he was the third to go in that day and they decided in the meeting to throw the union a bone. Originally he was slated to lose. He knew this and still stuck by the union. They didn’t get paid any better and what raise he did see, they increased the dues and got part of it anyway.


I read a blog the other day that was written by a college girl about spirituality, biased to Christian that is but still can be applied to any faith I feel. She was basically stating that the problem with parents and faith these days is they are not providing their view and beliefs when imparting spiritual guidance. I agree. As with baby sitting, especially our generation plops a kid in front of the tv and there you go, the id is occupied and out of our hair and is getting an education from a cartoonist. WAY TO GO!

So in faith, we plop them in a classroom of our desired faith and come get them after service, we look at their pretty pictures they colored of Jesus and the lambs and all is well.

Wrong. We need to be involved just like regular school. What are you learning? What does that mean? This is what it means to me? This is what I think God and Jesus meant and how we are to apply that in our lives. If these discussions aren’t happening, your kids will end up in more cults than experiencing the hope and insight faith provides a soul regardless of whether it is Islam, Catholic, Baptist, Buddhist or what have you.

We should be providing our children with all the information they need for faith, the world, school and jobs as possible not pacifying them or sating them while we go off and enjoy our lives or get our work finished.

I know this is a Christian statement based on bible principle but I think it applies to all faiths.

Jesus said “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Any light or hurt or harm caused to a child holds a special place with him and will receive special punishment because of it. And I don’t think it stops there. We have an obligation to children and our families to provide them with the tools to make a decision on their own about many things including faith and if we fail in that, we are failing in our faith or lack of or main responsibilities as a parent. So get involved even if you don’t believe a faith and are agnostic or atheist. Your kids deserve to make their own decision based on the facts and information available and not left to determine on their own which is the best way until they have learned the information from not just teachers but from their parents. We should police what is being put in our children’s heads.

And it’s Friday and I am tired. Time for me to relax some more and let go of the heavy, which I started my blog with.

I shall be playing this weekend and practicing some. I have been listening to some good music that makes me want to play. I saw a beautiful guitar on “Craig’s List” the other day extremely cheap. Missed that opportunity.

Nearing closer when I may be able to find a nice guitar to develop my sound further. I plan on teaching myself slide guitar now. I started many years ago and never succeeded. My old age makes it hard for me to learn something new as I don’t have the patience to go through the mistakes and learn but I want to learn this and develop it as a character of my playing.

So off I go.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

I wanna know, have you ever seen rain...and suburb drivers?

Due to our dryer being out and our landlord not responding (in the true fashion of someone who cares about their tenants) that we have to dry our clothes at the laundry mat. I’m not a snob. I have done it many times in my life including doing regular laundry in the laundry mat for not having the equipment etc: that’s not the point. The point is he is scraping to save a little dough and its not affecting his laundry so what doe it matter. Schmuck I say.

Regardless, we make our way to the “Tan and Wash”. Yes, an idea I had is a realization here and I see that it does not garner the revenue I thought it would, however, they don’t have the coffee bar, the used book store, or the location needed to support such an idea.

We headed down the road and pass by one of the many houses we see on that route on a usually day: I see the Ford 150 extended cab that I always covet. It is a 1997 model like mine was except it is green instead of red. I miss that truck and he obviously adores his as much as I did mine because he still has it and it is in good condition and driven lovingly. Also, two houses down is a house that likes to decorate for the different holidays using the “bbb bbboy bb bboy friend.” I HATE BTR! Right in the middle of my writing that crap busts in with no creativity and Snoop dog selling out like he likes this song or cares for these suburban white boys. Please! I don’t know he actually might. Back to my story…

The next house decorates for most every holiday that there is a decoration available. I have no problems with that and they often decorate festively and nicely. They mostly use the blow up type of decoration and still have their Christmas decorations up. It’s a month from spring and near Easter yet Santa and his elves and other forms of Santa are lying all over the yard still. And, the worse is that since the blizzard of 2011, they have all been under 22 inches of snow. It has recently rained, warmed up and the snow is mostly gone. The only thing left is the carnage of the holiday assassins who have obviously paid a visit. They are strewn about as if a drive-by has occurred and the police haven’t arrived and chalk lined the bodies yet. It is truly worrisome looking. Almost as if they planned the hit even.

The only other real occurrences on the weekend are the over aggressive Yankee Candle Associates who accost us as we enter as bad as the Sacks Fifth Avenue perfume sprayers. The only worse aggressors would be time share sellers but that is excusable of course. I mean the store is pretty small anyway, there are two of you and only one of us as a customer couple, once one person has hit us up and tried to assault us with the specials and sell us a candle sniffer, our decision is pretty much done, reassurance is not required any longer.

The usual moronic teen-age driver driving too fast and oblivious to the rest of the world in the worst possible conditions imaginable, weaving in and out of traffic to get one car length ahead of my slow old ass only to find they are sitting next to me at the traffic light and have already forgot that I am the one they passed to get to he same place I am using more gas, driving faster and unsafely. Youth. Yes I know that was a long badly written sentence followed by a fragment but guess what? It’s my blog and I got the emotion conveyed. Look for Oliver Twist if you want perfect grammar.

I’m having my coffee late in the day and have already mentally moved to Woodstock with my truck already fixed and don’t really care for this area much anymore other than Sonic. I need my back porch sunrise with some toast, jam, oats and coffee. How very nice that will be.

All righty, bored everyone enough. Time to take care o the little girl and read the paper.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Boredom awaits all who read this entry...sorry

So I am trying to get Keira to eat her dinner, or at least get her interested in it. As I am cooking I tell her, we’re going to eat at casa de table. She says “casa day Cabool?” Yes! Casa de table. Pretty funny to me anyway.

And then tonight I am walking the dog and one of my neighbors has put in a huge fluorescent light in his upstairs room and has it all aglow like he’s about to start interrogations or something. A little odd.

Had a rough week this week. Obtained a stomach virus from a co-worker. Lived through that so far though. Still have some stomach issues though. Every now and then it hurts awful. Hopefully tomorrow bodes better.

I plan on making some pulled pork or brisket this weekend with homemade BBQ sauce. My stomach better let me enjoy it.

If everything goes well we will be moving to a great place. I like where its at and I like the drive allowing me to get awake before work and loosen up and unwind before I get home. It’s all one floor with a porch over looking a pasture and 60 wooded acres complete with ponds and creek. I plan on using that porch a lot when its warm. I am looking forward to it very much!

Since I have stayed home and drench myself in rest I haven’t had much happen or much to think about so sorry for the boredom written here. I have the whole weekend for crap to happen so things are looking up. I trust I will have some interesting events after this weekend. It’s the first warm one after the blizzard and most of the snow is gone and what isn’t gone will be after the rain that is scheduled our way.

Happy whatever sale weekend it is to you all!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

My Guitar does not gently moans and wails.

Today as I worry about all the trifling things that affect my life and my future, I a, zapped back to the things that matter once again by a tragic event affecting millions around the world. The death of guitarist Gary Moore comes in to shock me and snap me back to reality and remember that all the materialistic things we strive for are just toys to help us enjoy the world a little more than we would if living by necessity.

In the end, we all just die and what is left is our legacy. How we will be remembered? Will our enemies still hate us or remember that we treated them with dignity and love even though we disagreed? Will my children see that I did all I could and tried hard to make their lives better than mine? Will my friends at work understand I only had theirs and my best interest in mind through our adversities and when the company does better, it’s because we all grew as friends, leaders and workers?

This event however, also makes me remember that this man touched my life deeply. He gave me the notion that playing what you like and with your heart is more important than anything else. When I started off as a musician in my teens, I had designs to get signed, get that contract and rock the world. As I grew older, a family was more important to me and I coveted a family with a community to grow in and give back to. As children grew I still did the things that gave me joy with music, just playing along with Walking By Myself and Still got the Blues and trying to figure out every little nuance of the songs, not to imitate but to understand the technique and grow as a player. Not to show off or better myself for performance, but to have the satisfaction of learning and growing and enjoying the intimacy that resides in a song written and performed by a giant like Gary Moore. To pull off a feat of that stature allows me to have the swagger inside that warms my soul and in the end, makes my momma proud.

Yes this ties back to my mother again. My mother set a bar for me when I first started playing, and that was when I could play Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd note for note, I would be an accomplished guitarist. I satisfied that level of play before I went to the Air Force but I drove myself to perfect it and understand it, not just play it. Through my growth, I learned from the best as if I were in the room with them. I grabbed Randy Rhoads and began a classical tenure mixing it with metal and dark lyrics. I developed speed from Yngvie Malmsteen. I worked with Neal Schon to understand melodies and song structure. I worked with Ace Frehley to use pure drive to push my emotion into the audience. I worked with Rik Emmet to just understand theory and how it applies to pop music. I continued with Pink Floyd understanding phrasing and intonation. I listened to Eric Clapton and Bryan May tell me “Say more with less. Make a note mean something! Don’t just play a thousand notes cause you can and do perform every teaching in one song. A song is a message and emotion.” I finally focused on Stevie Ray Vaughan and how he brought color and fun to music.

All my teachings married themselves and brought my own sound and I was finally my own player. I could now profess my teachings and establish my prowess among my friends and local patrons of the establishments I played in and hold my head high as an individual virtuoso. Then Gary Moore came out with a blues album. I knew he was good. I had seen him play many rock songs and respected him but my god! He just played and fire came out of the speakers and tears followed. He was awesome and stayed that well. Even when I didn’t like the song, he just blew it away. I would hear him play with greats like BB, Albert King and Collins and he couldn’t help it, when he played he couldn’t play down it had to burn! I don’t know how that void will be filled now. It took me years to get over the fact that I wouldn’t see another Stevie Ray Vaughan record that he didn’t get to improve and perfect before releasing it. I have no idea how his brother got over his loss and now I have to go through the process for Gary Moore.

After hearing him play and watching him, I had the final ingredient in what was my influences for my style and sound. He was the personification of the last style I loved that reminded me of my mother and I knew would obtain her approval. Now for the hard part, I never sat down and played for her once I became accomplished. She never got o hear me play as an adult with skills. She passed and I lost my chance. My only solace is that she is now hopefully in the same place with Randy, Albert, Stevie and Gary and she is able to hear them play and enjoy the music that meant so much to me and I know did to her. She can experience the emotions they continue to provide me and they can see the joy they brought to so many people including me. How they changed the direction of so many musicians and influenced so many avenues of music.

I have a few heroes left still and I need to take advantage of being able to see them before they pass on. I am entering an area of my life where my friends are failing of natural causes and the athletic and artistic heroes of my day are leaving the world. Eric Clapton, Bryan May, Ritchie Blackmoore, Rik Emmet, David Gilmoore, Eddie Van Halen, Yngvie Malmsteen, Gary Richwrath, Neal Schon, Ian Moore, Rick Neilson. I need to see them when I have the opportunity and not waste it.

Now back to my mom and Gary. I have a blog some time ago talking specifically about what I felt was a supernatural communication from my mother. It could have been coincidence but it was very eerie and too much coincidence not to be something. If there is an afterlife that is organized enough to allow interaction with these other people of note, I do hope my mother has the opportunity to interact with them. She would truly enjoy herself so much as she loved this style of music.

As you can see, I rambled a bit today. I can’t imagine how I can ever speak enough about the influence this man had on my music life and how it connects with so many facets of my regular life. The unexpected death of such great artistic people such as Gary Moore, Randy Rhoads, Jeff Healey and Stevie Ray Vaughan only maximize the expectation their lives could have had on the music industry if they had been allowed to be around longer. The short careers thee men had and yet the massive impact they had resonates and echoes loudly forever. If you are not aware of them, or even just mildly aware of them, the strength of their art and creation isn’t fully aware in your thoughts. They were truly giants in a genre that didn’t need pop culture. They played what they loved and how they loved it. They were unaware of their true impact until their deaths and their families and friends are the ones that get to enjoy the flowers. They get to bask in the memories and successes of their loved ones and see the real benefit of being such a great artist. The stories you hear about people like this is most always the love that flowed from their souls through the music and through the events crating it. It is amazing and wonderful to watch them come alive in the conversations of people close to them. The eyes light up and smiles form on their faces as they remember the silly and wonderful experiences they had and it makes it even harder on the rest of us to see them as such great people as well as artists.

They made mistakes. They are human but the gift they gave us is one that stays forever and for me, I want to impart that to my children like my mother did to me. She showed me what she loved in music, why it meant so much to her and how it took her to another place so she enjoyed her time here even more. Now maybe she is getting to see those guys playing with some older greats like Hendrix, Joplin, Muddy Waters, Jim Morrison! What a show could be going on right now with those guys all together at once playing Red House and just enjoying the music.

To anyone who hasn’t experienced any of these genuses, please look up some music and just listen for the nuances and changes in the music. Watch them on the screen and see the emotion as they relive what caused them to write the music and words they perform. It is true art and is passing emotions of pain, joy and remembrance as they play and sing. It’s not just about making money: They loved what they did and pursued it with passion.

Gary Moore, on this day of loss, thank you for your dedication, love and wonderful artwork. You helped me develop myself and will continue to impact young guitarist for many years to come. Take your place at the table with the greatest artists ever and relish the wonders you bestowed on this world and rest in peace.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Chopped is the theme! The show, my yahoo account and my glasses..CHOPPED!

So I am watching Chopped and decide to clean my glasses. It looked like I had a little crud on there foggy up the view. So I take them off and wala! They fall apart from the center. Yep, less than a year old and broke in half. I will be taking those to the store to get replaced soon.

Now the funny thing is I go to use a pair of older prescripts and put them on and I see perfectly fine. What’s even better is that they are two prescriptions ago meaning that I basically have on glasses that have a prescription from around six years ago and I See perfectly clearly and fine. What’s more, they feel good on my head as if they never left. They are Nike frames and very light: Titanium. So, I am pleased and not sure if I even want to wear the newer ones when they are repaired. I have lost weight and it caused my frames to be slipping constantly and not rest on my nose properly so I am wondering if my prescription wasn’t right after all and was more related to my health at the time, pre-diabetic and not as meaty a head on my shoulders. I’m pleased basically.

Also today, the dryer has been making some funky noises so I sent an email to our landlord to let him know. Now, tonight, I go to put some pants in to avoid ironing this evening and it doesn’t even move. No squeaky noises no nothing! Great. I inform the landlord in email again. I go back and tweak it and run the FLUFF cycle. Does nothing but put dog hair on my pants. So, I go back and tweak a little more and it seems to be working. I have to go now and check and see if it put out any hot air to remove my wrinkles. We’ll see I guess.

I have been battling sinus issues these past two weeks and it has cost me two sick days this year already. I need to get to the bottom of that. I don’t need to be calling in sick so much. I have a lot of things to do and will need some time next month to move hopefully and I want to relax while doing it and not feel like I am getting behind at work.

Had my favorite meal tonight: Burritos. Nothing fancy, just simple burritos from cheap taco sauce with good fixin’s. And my daughter was eating tacos!

I want to see that new movie about the Gnomes. I don’t know why. Maybe because of the one Gnome in the wrestling leotard hopping around. This may be my KB’s first theater trip.

Had some funky stuff going on with one of my yahoo accounts so I had to axe it today. We had a hacker once before and I aint playing around with it. Down side is I am in the middle of a basketball fantasy league and I have a few trophies from the football and baseball leagues I will be abandoning. But I already spent that money so it’s really no big deal. Just something I can tease my wife about. So, for those of you I had on Yahoo, if you haven’t seen a request yet or an email, you will soon.

Got to go! Need to check my pants and hit the couch to relax a little.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Uncle has a country place, that no one knows about....

in•ter•ac•tion   [in-ter-ak-shuhn]


1. reciprocal action, effect, or influence.

2. Physics .

a. the direct effect that one kind of particle has on another, in particular, in inducing the emission or absorption of one particle by another.

b. the mathematical expression that specifies the nature and strength of this effect.

I had me some interaction today: Very interesting interaction. We left to do our errands this morning: The usual stuff, groceries, bank, house stuff etc… Our first stop was to get a little breakfast at McDonalds. While looking for a seat, one of the booths was taken up by whom I assume was a homeless man sleeping. I was a bit startled at first but he wasn’t bothering anyone and there were plenty of places to sit for paying patrons. I looked around and the woman who was cleaning ignored him as he slept away. No one worried about it or drew attention to it. Other patrons sat down, started their meals, and ignored him including a gentleman who came walking by whistling, very vibrantly and annoyingly. My wife noticed another older man roll his eyes and give a sign of disgust at the whistler and not the homeless person. Once the whistler sat down, he stopped whistling and I believe it was really due to him noticing the man sleeping.

My first thought as I saw him was the poor guy was finally getting to relax a little after the blizzard. Then I went further in my head and thought, I have four bucks in my pocket and I am huffing down a bagel and coffee I bet he would love to do the same. It’s only a buck for sausage and biscuits and a coffee is only a dollar as well. Then I thought, what if I wake him up, and he gets pissed and rails at me? So yeah, I talked myself out of it but the whole time my conscious was saying this man needs it and you have the ability to provide a little comfort for him. In the end, I rationalized myself to being happy for him to get some warmth and for everyone being considerate and leaving him alone to rest. Still, I feel I missed an opportunity that was given to me for a reason. In reflection, it provided me the state of my compassion and how weakly I have applied it.

We left and went to the bank, uneventful this time, thank goodness. Just in and out: If they were selling burgers, I wouldn’t have been happier.

Onto Wal-Mart I get a GREAT parking space up front. I mean, they do exist. Someone has to be able to park in them in order for them to not be available right? So, that means occasionally a bone gets throne to me: and today, I was the big dog! Booyah! So we’re sitting there and I watch this big SUV pull into the parking lot in front of us and he spies the open space next to mine that is even closer to the store. He whips his truck into reverse and I swear backs up so fast he almost runs over the people walking out of the store. Then as his young punk butt pulls up next to us, he is making eye contact with me and looking back all the time because he knows I watched him look like an idiot. Moron #1.

Later at Sam’s, we are at the checkout and the lane next to us opens up. The manager points to us and the person in front of us to come to the line to check out and as we are walking up, this bozo comes flying in like he’s gonna get the FRONT ROW all excited in Bob Uker type action. DENIED! Go to the back of the line. No check out fro you. Come back, 45 minutes! He looked so ridiculous like a cat that just ran into a glass door and tries to play it off. Meow..I meant to do that. HA! Moron #2.

Now we get to Ultra and get to the second aisle where the condiments are and this older couple, I would say mid 50’s maybe older, are deciding on sauces and such. The guy, lord, is standing there in the middle of the aisle holding a ketchup bottle and arguing the difference in the ketchups and how expensive they are. As we walk past I hear him say “And look at this, they take OUT the salt and charge you more. You’re getting less ingredients but you pay more.” YOU’RE NOT STEPHEN WRIGHT AND THAT’S NOT FUNNY! What’s worse is when we go back by them, standing in the same annoying manner and location, he is still discussing this. They haven’t moved and there is still nothing in their cart. Is this how every shopping rip is for them? I’d kill Melina! Sign me up for the 48 hours show. SHE WOULDN’T SETTLE ON A FRIKIN’ BOTTLE OF KETCHUP!

We stroll about the store some more doing our shopping and then we see them finally moving off from the area of condiments and they have two bottles in the cart, no ketchup by the way and I hear “Maybe some of that other sauce would be good for the mushrooms?” Let it go dude. She don’t want to go back to the sauces and right now, I bet she’d eat a piece of frikin’ leather with shoe polish on it to get you to shut up. Moron #3.

Then we are at the deli and this guy wasn’t paying attention and gets all frothy when he comes back to find they are 8 or so people away from his number now. Why’d you leave? Why didn’t you listen? Get another frikin number before they get further away from your lethargic ass. Moron #4

Checked out and headed to get lottery tickets, my wife is in line and this old, I mean ancient old man comes up, smiles at her, runs his cart over her foot and steps in line in front of her to buy a lottery ticket. He got a quick pick too so if I see his old ass on TV with my money, I’m going to a voodoo lady and getting’ mine. Moron (senile) #5.

Fast forward to later in the afternoon and we are at Hobby Lobby. We get some stuff that to the first glance we think is on sale. Turns out not to be due to retail trickery or pixie dust or something. Either way, we get it and understand, and move on with our lives. At the next register, the manager, who we have seen act as a moron before, is yep, you guessed it, acting as a moron yet again. He is arguing with a patron over the sale price of an item and a coupon. Finished annoying these fine people, he over hears our discussion with the cashier and begins to interject into the conversation which has ended by the way, with our understanding and acquiescence, the same exact information the cashier told us satisfactorily. We tell him the signs were not clear and that’s why we misunderstood. He says the same thing again and adds, it’s not on the candy. We do what my grandmother said never do, argue with an idiot, and say actually no, it is over there but we understand and are fine. He continues to be an idiot, I finally say, “GOT IT for the third time.” I ask the cashier out loud so others can hear, “Does he just float around trying to find arguments? Every time I have seen that man here he is arguing with someone. Maybe he gets a bonus based on the disagreements and aggravation he causes.” Definitely Moron #6 and possibly Moron of the day.

Although there were many stupid drivers on the day, the Hobby Lobby manager takes it for the lead.

We had a decent dinner I think. I made some pork ribs with what I like to call fried bread, some slaw and some egg noodles for the ladies. Keira ate well and she has enjoyed her trip to her Mecca, Toys R Us. She is on a puzzle kick and we have a few to do yet. She still wants to help me with mine, a 1000 piece deer scene puzzle.

I played a little guitar and she has her Spongebob guitar now so that she can jam with me.

Watching the Bulls right now. They aren’t going to beat the Warriors as bad as last time. Last time it was 120 to 90 or something like that. They are pretty close tonight really. Chicago is on a 7 game win streak. Looking great right now and they play Portland Monday night. It would be nice to see that extend to 9 Monday night.. I may have to change my background to a Bulls symbol until Baseball Season. I have Stevie Ray on there right now.

Guess I should close and relax a little while I can. Enjoy this game and go to sleep.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011..storm of the's just 2011!

Not too much to report since we last talked. The Blizzard of 2011 has hit in Chicago and it is taking names: 400 to be exact. The total of persons rescued from stranded vehicles on the roads of Chicago. Again, that is just Chicago and doesn’t count the suburbs of my residency. It is definitely quite a bit of snow. Not as much snow as I have seen in other blizzards of note, but enough to shut down most of the businesses for a day.

It is cold as well. We look to get to a -10 mark within the next two days, winds at 25 to 45 mph still and then back up to 2. Woo Hoo! I even saw a 0 on one of the weather predictions. Cool stuff.  The first is our entry at work and the second is my entry at home with our Lab Mix Luke and The Boy walking.  Luke is trying to find a spot to pee but its all near his head or higher.  HA!

The crew at work some are doing a double and getting the OT and some are trudging in if they can make it. Most of the routes are shut down and without four-wheel drive, it is not recommended to try the trek. We have some rooms reserved for folks and the leaders are bringing in some lunch meat and such for the guys that are keeping everything running. I am truly proud of my guys and the work they are doing. They are getting better and better at doing their jobs and are building even better relationships every event that happens.

Onto other events that have occurred. I received my very first Dynamic Deed from another leader in the organization. 15 years with the company and I had never received one. Now I am not complaining about that because I have been rewarded kindly through my tenure in many ways for my performance. Problem is, now I have to change my speech on promotions and such that I usually use my self as an example. “Fifteen years with U.S. Cellular® and I have never received a Dynamic Deed. They are great measurements of an associates dedication and drive but they are not a requirement for promotion. I have been promoted four times during my tenure with U.S. Cellular®: from NOC Technician to Manager and have loved the time I have served. I have received recognition for accomplishments and growth. I feel I am recognized appropriately and am grateful for just the recognition received from my leader. So please don’t think you are not eligible to be promoted because you don’t have any Dynamic Deeds.” Now I have to alter that and say, UNTIL…

With all jesting aside, thank you for the notice and recognition. It means a lot to me and I appreciate you recognizing the progress our teams are making together: You know who you are.

Now I am sitting here working on miscellaneous things that I cant usually get done in the office to the back ground of Spongebob Squarepants and hearing plankton trying to steel the crabby patty formula. I am also reading the notes of other associates around the country dealing with the different weather situations and it is truly amazing at the reach this storm has had. Rain and winds in the Southeast have the home area reeling a but in places, and all through the Midwest we are receiving reports of ice and snow build up. Pictures are coming in of truly wild visions. I look through Facebook even further, and as you all have witnessed through my rantings, I am longing for Spring and Fly Fishing. I see an entry from the host of the show I usually watch and he has this pristine stream in Brazil with little bubbles floating through an eddy with the closest cold spot being in the cooler with their cokes!

I guess I should get back to my day. I see other folks having conference calls and I feel guilty as I have none. I moved all mine to another day due to a meeting that was scheduled for today and canceled due to the weather. So I guess that leaves me free to help out where I can.

Anyway, getting off here and focusing I guess.