I am having a problem now with the current political climate. First off let it be known, yes I voted for Obama and I have no qualms about it and I do not regret it in anyway. That said, I want to say that there are problems in this country that need to be in the forefront and have action taken on them. I trust my political leaders to do what’s right, and prioritize and spend as needed to accomplish these goals.
Now, that said, I know that doesn’t always happen but I first refuse to believe that the majority of these people are in office for self gain only and do not have the intent to serve the people as their job entails. I truly believe most of them are their for the right reasons and are trying to do the best they can and things get in the way that slows or deters progress regardless of party aim.
Now with THAT said my dismay and discomfort with the current political climate is this. Why is it the news teams are presenting the freaks and morons instead of the people who can speak to the valid concerns of the country and receive answers. I just allowed about three minutes of my life to be taken while I watched an old codger run his mouth about nothing coherent for that timeframe. It was on MSNBC under the link of Obama Breaks Oath. So my curiosity was piqued and I figured, even though I don’t agree, I want to hear what this man has to say and see if there is any validity to it.
The man rambled and never came up with a worthy answer for anything. He was asked repeatedly by the anchor, “What was your problem you wanted to raise with Sen. Specter? “
Man, “I was lied to.”
“I called his office and gave an assistant all the things I wanted to discuss. I said discuss, not ask questions about. Discuss.” (As if this matters.) “And they said for me to go to the town hall and I could raise my concerns.”
“And did you?”
“No I got threw out.”
“They want me to shut up.”
“What are your concerns?”
He rambles on for a few minutes and the News Anchor pulls him back in when he claims Obama broke his oath. “How do you feel he broke his oath sir?”
“31 ways.”
“31 ways huh? What are your top 3 ways he broke the oath?”
“Man rambles for a bit. Says he is lied to and doesn’t trust Obama. No reasons yet mind you.”
“Sir, what is the top reason then? Your number one reason.”
“Well, he I don’t trust him. He broke his oath.”
“Okay, we get that. You don’t trust him and he broke his oath. How did he break his oath? What is your #1 reason that you say he broke his oath?”
“He took the oath twice. I don’t trust him, Pelosi, any of them.”
Okay, at this point, I’m done, no need to watch anymore. This guy is rambling a like an idiot and running off at the mouth and never gets to a point and just blathers. No wonder he got thrown out of the town hall. I mean, you’re given the platform on national TV and asked, why do you feel this way? And the best you can come up with is I don’t trust him. He took the oath of office twice and I’m mad.
What crap. No wonder we cant be heard with morons like this running around!
My opinion is this, politicians are…well politicians. ACCEPT IT! You will be lied to but they are trying to do things. State your concerns, raise your ideas, put them on notice they will be replaced if they don’t represent you appropriately but say it with some intelligence. You don’t have to be a great orator to do this. Say it plainly and in no uncertain terms and move on!
The sooner we as a country lose partisan politics, the faster Congress and the political machine can not USE partisan politics.
I vote my conscious and my ideals, not my party line. I go with the person I think will do the best job to unite and work together to do the best for the country. I in no way think one man can come into that scapegoat role and save the country. There are too many interworkings and processes that one man can do it all and to put that on a man s shoulders is ridiculous and you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. See that is what we call a monarchy or dictatorship when one man has that kind of power. We left that and don’t want that. Don’t vote that way.
So anyway, my main point, media folks, stop airing the idiots for ratings and start airing the things that matter so we can be informed or we will replace you as well.
I go with the person I think will do the best job to unite and work together to do the best for the country. I in no way think one man can come into that scapegoat role and save the country.
ReplyDeleteThis was my favorite part of your post.
People voted for Obama, because they wanted something different than what they were handed for 8 years. When he wasnt able to wave a magic wand and make it all "better" people started feeling betrayed. Blows my mind.
It's gonna take work, hard work...I don't get why folks don't understand that.
Great post!