Sunday, February 27, 2011

A rose by anyother name...It doesn't have to be a rose to create a wonderful memory

We went to Woodfield Mall yesterday and did some shopping: A lot of good sales that were saving a lot of people money. I’m not a mall guy but I was extremely satisfied.

While on our trip to the mall, we stumbled upon these local farmers that were giving out free potatoes. They will be featured at “the Jewel” in the future and were handing them out for publicity. We got two bags and I plan on fixing a bag tonight for dinner. My menu?

1.) Chicken breast rollups with Swiss cheese, parmesan and seasoned bread crumbs.

2) Butter roasted new and red baby potatoes with olive oil, garlic, paprika, pepper, salt and red onion, and carrots

3.) Fried bread in butter, garlic, and parmesan cheese

We took Keira to Target with us today and she had a blast. I got to give her the first bouquet ever! She was all smiles. She pointed them out when we walked in and we looked at them and that was honestly enough for her but when she found out she could have them for herself and keep them at home she was so happy. We picked out the color she wanted and handed them to her and she was all aglow! As I gave them to her, I thought some day, some crappy boy is going to give them to her, and she will smile and love them, but no way he will ever appreciate her smile as much as I do especially today. They’ll never appreciate her smile and laugh as much as I do.

I went through this with Melanie, my first daughter with other events. Skating, movies, dinner etc…each time, a little piece of her grew up, and I grew sadder each time as she grew into a woman: but she is still my little girl and I love her so much. (I’ll still break a boys legs if he hurts her enough for her to tell me he did it. She handles her idiots herself mostly. LOL)

My little girls, each growing up and taking different steps: They should all stop growing at 6 or 7 and stay alive forever really. That’s the most fun time.  Nothing has jaded them at that age and they can still enjoy new experiences with wonder and open eyes. Sigh.

I am watching NCIS marathon while I eat a bologna sandwich with BBQ chips and Dr Pepper.

I played guitar last night for quite a while, that is until Keira tried to climb on me. For the most part, she usually plays her Spongebob guitar or dances while I play, but I guess I played too long and she got bored and wanted to sit with me. I think I hurt her feelings because I told her no twice and once forcefully. She ran crying and whining as usual onto the couch, so I stopped playing. I didn’t stop because she interrupted me as much as she would be climbing on my back and hurting me as well as I could just see her toppling off the chair while I was oblivious to her status.

It’s getting near spring time here and is a little warmer. We have however, about 60% of our prior spring snow still left to receive before spring is truly here. I look forward to the new place: Sitting on the back porch watching the sun in the morning across the fields and the horses, walking in the woods and fields by the creek and playing basketball in the driveway again.

Back to here, I have two papers to read and an hour of relaxation and quiet to enjoy before my wife and wonderful daughter wake up to breech that silence. LOL



  1. Aww, this made me all teary...! Nice post, my dear.

  2. Of course I was tearing when I wrote it. I'm a sap but I meant it. :-)

  3. JR--I really am appreciating getting to know you through your writing. By the time we meet in person be prepared for a huge hug--it'll be weird, because you don't know me, but I feel like by then I will not be able to contain myself.
    Consider yourself warned :)
