I will probably piss off some folks with this one but oh well. It’s my blog and my opinion.
I see this stuff on TV about the union bill, and being a democrat I have to side with the Republicans and say I would love to see Unions gone! They are now everything that unions were put together to protect against. I should not be MADE to pay into anything I don’t believe in or not allowed to work or be treated differently because I am NOT in the union or want to be in it.
First, arbitration is ridiculous. It’s a coin flip. No one is benefiting from it. They decide when they walk into the meeting, when the associate or employee is not present, and give and take then the show begins for the associate so the Union looks like its taking up for the associate. Just ridiculous.
Now Unions had their place and they have run their course. With labor laws the way they are now, occupations are protected well enough and can be handled with normal litigation when breaks in the regulations occur.
I am speaking from experience when I refer to my step-dad’s tenure at a company in Tennessee and they were on strike for 6 months. He was on the picket line everyday for up to 12 hours a day and made $10 a week from the union. Wow. Thanks for that dough. We ate biscuits and gravy for 6 months. I loved going to school so I could get a big good lunch. Aside from that he almost lost his job during one of the arbitration meetings because he was the third to go in that day and they decided in the meeting to throw the union a bone. Originally he was slated to lose. He knew this and still stuck by the union. They didn’t get paid any better and what raise he did see, they increased the dues and got part of it anyway.
I read a blog the other day that was written by a college girl about spirituality, biased to Christian that is but still can be applied to any faith I feel. She was basically stating that the problem with parents and faith these days is they are not providing their view and beliefs when imparting spiritual guidance. I agree. As with baby sitting, especially our generation plops a kid in front of the tv and there you go, the id is occupied and out of our hair and is getting an education from a cartoonist. WAY TO GO!
So in faith, we plop them in a classroom of our desired faith and come get them after service, we look at their pretty pictures they colored of Jesus and the lambs and all is well.
Wrong. We need to be involved just like regular school. What are you learning? What does that mean? This is what it means to me? This is what I think God and Jesus meant and how we are to apply that in our lives. If these discussions aren’t happening, your kids will end up in more cults than experiencing the hope and insight faith provides a soul regardless of whether it is Islam, Catholic, Baptist, Buddhist or what have you.
We should be providing our children with all the information they need for faith, the world, school and jobs as possible not pacifying them or sating them while we go off and enjoy our lives or get our work finished.
I know this is a Christian statement based on bible principle but I think it applies to all faiths.
Jesus said “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Any light or hurt or harm caused to a child holds a special place with him and will receive special punishment because of it. And I don’t think it stops there. We have an obligation to children and our families to provide them with the tools to make a decision on their own about many things including faith and if we fail in that, we are failing in our faith or lack of or main responsibilities as a parent. So get involved even if you don’t believe a faith and are agnostic or atheist. Your kids deserve to make their own decision based on the facts and information available and not left to determine on their own which is the best way until they have learned the information from not just teachers but from their parents. We should police what is being put in our children’s heads.
And it’s Friday and I am tired. Time for me to relax some more and let go of the heavy, which I started my blog with.
I shall be playing this weekend and practicing some. I have been listening to some good music that makes me want to play. I saw a beautiful guitar on “Craig’s List” the other day extremely cheap. Missed that opportunity.
Nearing closer when I may be able to find a nice guitar to develop my sound further. I plan on teaching myself slide guitar now. I started many years ago and never succeeded. My old age makes it hard for me to learn something new as I don’t have the patience to go through the mistakes and learn but I want to learn this and develop it as a character of my playing.
So off I go.
I think you don't give yourself enough credit for A) the things you already know and B) learning things quickly or at least thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteAnd you know my opinion on Unions, so I'll stay quiet (for now)...:)
LY. Lots.