Saturday, February 5, 2011

My Uncle has a country place, that no one knows about....

in•ter•ac•tion   [in-ter-ak-shuhn]


1. reciprocal action, effect, or influence.

2. Physics .

a. the direct effect that one kind of particle has on another, in particular, in inducing the emission or absorption of one particle by another.

b. the mathematical expression that specifies the nature and strength of this effect.

I had me some interaction today: Very interesting interaction. We left to do our errands this morning: The usual stuff, groceries, bank, house stuff etc… Our first stop was to get a little breakfast at McDonalds. While looking for a seat, one of the booths was taken up by whom I assume was a homeless man sleeping. I was a bit startled at first but he wasn’t bothering anyone and there were plenty of places to sit for paying patrons. I looked around and the woman who was cleaning ignored him as he slept away. No one worried about it or drew attention to it. Other patrons sat down, started their meals, and ignored him including a gentleman who came walking by whistling, very vibrantly and annoyingly. My wife noticed another older man roll his eyes and give a sign of disgust at the whistler and not the homeless person. Once the whistler sat down, he stopped whistling and I believe it was really due to him noticing the man sleeping.

My first thought as I saw him was the poor guy was finally getting to relax a little after the blizzard. Then I went further in my head and thought, I have four bucks in my pocket and I am huffing down a bagel and coffee I bet he would love to do the same. It’s only a buck for sausage and biscuits and a coffee is only a dollar as well. Then I thought, what if I wake him up, and he gets pissed and rails at me? So yeah, I talked myself out of it but the whole time my conscious was saying this man needs it and you have the ability to provide a little comfort for him. In the end, I rationalized myself to being happy for him to get some warmth and for everyone being considerate and leaving him alone to rest. Still, I feel I missed an opportunity that was given to me for a reason. In reflection, it provided me the state of my compassion and how weakly I have applied it.

We left and went to the bank, uneventful this time, thank goodness. Just in and out: If they were selling burgers, I wouldn’t have been happier.

Onto Wal-Mart I get a GREAT parking space up front. I mean, they do exist. Someone has to be able to park in them in order for them to not be available right? So, that means occasionally a bone gets throne to me: and today, I was the big dog! Booyah! So we’re sitting there and I watch this big SUV pull into the parking lot in front of us and he spies the open space next to mine that is even closer to the store. He whips his truck into reverse and I swear backs up so fast he almost runs over the people walking out of the store. Then as his young punk butt pulls up next to us, he is making eye contact with me and looking back all the time because he knows I watched him look like an idiot. Moron #1.

Later at Sam’s, we are at the checkout and the lane next to us opens up. The manager points to us and the person in front of us to come to the line to check out and as we are walking up, this bozo comes flying in like he’s gonna get the FRONT ROW all excited in Bob Uker type action. DENIED! Go to the back of the line. No check out fro you. Come back, 45 minutes! He looked so ridiculous like a cat that just ran into a glass door and tries to play it off. Meow..I meant to do that. HA! Moron #2.

Now we get to Ultra and get to the second aisle where the condiments are and this older couple, I would say mid 50’s maybe older, are deciding on sauces and such. The guy, lord, is standing there in the middle of the aisle holding a ketchup bottle and arguing the difference in the ketchups and how expensive they are. As we walk past I hear him say “And look at this, they take OUT the salt and charge you more. You’re getting less ingredients but you pay more.” YOU’RE NOT STEPHEN WRIGHT AND THAT’S NOT FUNNY! What’s worse is when we go back by them, standing in the same annoying manner and location, he is still discussing this. They haven’t moved and there is still nothing in their cart. Is this how every shopping rip is for them? I’d kill Melina! Sign me up for the 48 hours show. SHE WOULDN’T SETTLE ON A FRIKIN’ BOTTLE OF KETCHUP!

We stroll about the store some more doing our shopping and then we see them finally moving off from the area of condiments and they have two bottles in the cart, no ketchup by the way and I hear “Maybe some of that other sauce would be good for the mushrooms?” Let it go dude. She don’t want to go back to the sauces and right now, I bet she’d eat a piece of frikin’ leather with shoe polish on it to get you to shut up. Moron #3.

Then we are at the deli and this guy wasn’t paying attention and gets all frothy when he comes back to find they are 8 or so people away from his number now. Why’d you leave? Why didn’t you listen? Get another frikin number before they get further away from your lethargic ass. Moron #4

Checked out and headed to get lottery tickets, my wife is in line and this old, I mean ancient old man comes up, smiles at her, runs his cart over her foot and steps in line in front of her to buy a lottery ticket. He got a quick pick too so if I see his old ass on TV with my money, I’m going to a voodoo lady and getting’ mine. Moron (senile) #5.

Fast forward to later in the afternoon and we are at Hobby Lobby. We get some stuff that to the first glance we think is on sale. Turns out not to be due to retail trickery or pixie dust or something. Either way, we get it and understand, and move on with our lives. At the next register, the manager, who we have seen act as a moron before, is yep, you guessed it, acting as a moron yet again. He is arguing with a patron over the sale price of an item and a coupon. Finished annoying these fine people, he over hears our discussion with the cashier and begins to interject into the conversation which has ended by the way, with our understanding and acquiescence, the same exact information the cashier told us satisfactorily. We tell him the signs were not clear and that’s why we misunderstood. He says the same thing again and adds, it’s not on the candy. We do what my grandmother said never do, argue with an idiot, and say actually no, it is over there but we understand and are fine. He continues to be an idiot, I finally say, “GOT IT for the third time.” I ask the cashier out loud so others can hear, “Does he just float around trying to find arguments? Every time I have seen that man here he is arguing with someone. Maybe he gets a bonus based on the disagreements and aggravation he causes.” Definitely Moron #6 and possibly Moron of the day.

Although there were many stupid drivers on the day, the Hobby Lobby manager takes it for the lead.

We had a decent dinner I think. I made some pork ribs with what I like to call fried bread, some slaw and some egg noodles for the ladies. Keira ate well and she has enjoyed her trip to her Mecca, Toys R Us. She is on a puzzle kick and we have a few to do yet. She still wants to help me with mine, a 1000 piece deer scene puzzle.

I played a little guitar and she has her Spongebob guitar now so that she can jam with me.

Watching the Bulls right now. They aren’t going to beat the Warriors as bad as last time. Last time it was 120 to 90 or something like that. They are pretty close tonight really. Chicago is on a 7 game win streak. Looking great right now and they play Portland Monday night. It would be nice to see that extend to 9 Monday night.. I may have to change my background to a Bulls symbol until Baseball Season. I have Stevie Ray on there right now.

Guess I should close and relax a little while I can. Enjoy this game and go to sleep.


1 comment:

  1. Oooo, I didn't know you were thinking of offering the homeless man $$ too! I thought maybe I could slip him a $5 under his elbow or something. But, like you, I was afraid of waking him up or worse, offending him somehow. Cause it could be that he likes his life and isn't looking for a handout. I found that out the hard way, a million years ago when I worked for Carl's Jr.

    Anyway...funny we were both thinking the same thing..
