Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Is it really not Winter yet?

We got officially 4 inches of snow last night. Felt like close to 6 inches when I took Luke out for a walk last night around 8. Whatever, they say 4 inches so it is four.

I would have liked to have stayed home and played with KB in the snow a little, try out her new snow block maker to make castles or igloos. That would have been fun. Nevertheless, I am at work on conference calls all day. I am lucky that my office I do not have any windows and my routes through the building I do not have the opportunity to look outside unless I make an effort.

I am finding it hard to focus this week given it is Christmas and most everyone is taking the approach that vacation started Monday, and my team and I have to remind people, “We have three days of work ahead of us you know?” However, aside from the Christmas distraction I have been distracted with the outdoors. My staff has given me Cabela’s gift cards: Such an awesome gift. I love getting cards for there and Bass Pro, any outdoor store really.

Because of this, I have been researching the site and looking for the best purchase to maximize the cards. My focus this year is to Fly Fish as much as possible, fish in general really. I have also been focusing on camping, as I want to take my little girl on her first trip this summer. I want to do at least one day to do some hiking and fishing and then sleep one night in the wild. My list currently has a new fly reel, a tippet wallet, some new tippet material, a new hat and hopefully my old vest will fit now so I don’t have to get a new one.

With looking at all these resources, it has made me want it to be spring badly. That’s not good as it isn’t Winter yet really. I am hoping that by the end of March it will be warming up in the water enough to start chasing some trout or musky in the Warm Water Discharge up here. Then by late April early May, I can start chasing walleye, sauger and bass a little more. I should be able to catch a few Blue Gills for eating too and increase my practice time with my fly rod. The ultimate goal is to get proficient with my fly equipment so I can take it with me wherever I go and start logging my time across the country. The end game is a chance to fly fish for Chinook or Steelhead in Alaska or maybe a trip to Colorado for rainbow or browns. I am getting very excited.

Just thinking about standing in a stream about half shin high wakes me up: My line is out floating down the current near a big rock. Mending the line so it floats naturally and then see it straighten and a soft tug pulls on the line. A small ripple in the water as the fish swirls and then it raises its head to spit the lure. Bow the rod to the fish and let him roll.

This, I think, will be a great way for me to get back in the wild a bit, share the experience with KB at times, take the boy a few times as well and do it cheaply too. Its just $16.00 for the license and $6.00 for the trout stamp and I have the Wisconsin and Minnesota borders here too. Maybe a trip to the Mall of America and I can hit one of the thousands of lakes up there. It definitely opens some doors to some great experiences for me anyway.

The whole time I am writing this I am thinking selfishly obviously, and then my wife posts this video of this wonderful guy in India that is taking care of the indigent in his neighborhood. They were cooking food and feeding them, giving them baths and just overall taking good care of them occasionally by spending time with them in ways no one else would. And I felt like crap. We usually, I say we meaning me and most of America, throw money at it. I want to do more than that and at least do a little that means something like Meals on Wheels. Just a little time spent with someone and sharing a moment can go a long way.

Over all, I am really liking the holidays more. My wife has led to that and adding her CFO skills has made that appreciable as well. We still have some challenges before it gets to where I am fully immersed in the season but this next year I feel will be different and much more pleasurable. Thank you honey for all you do.

So here’s to a great trip to Cabela’s and Gurnee with Bass Pro and the start of a journey for me logging and writing about my fishing experiences and seeing a new human experience the outdoors with me as my other two did and as I hope to continue with them and the one I call “the boy” as well. I plan to teach him fly fishing this year. Fun to come.



  1. It sounds like a lot of fun if you love that sort of thing :) I think me and the Mrs would prefer the mall while you're off fishing.. hmm that does sound like a fun day!

  2. Sounds great to me! You guys TAKE YOUR TIME....

  3. Chris, you just name the time, lady...;)
