I am so sick of the social interaction deviants that are our fighting against so many different causes right now. How can any of these idiots say they are tolerant, open, or benevolent? For instance, gays in the military, why is it so wrong to think that a gay person can serve our country openly? What is it really going to hurt?
I read comments on one o the articles and it’s the same old crap: Religion! It’s against God! What if these GAYS, aren’t Christian? That really doesn’t matter then does it? You know why? BECAUSE IT’S YOUR BELIEF!!!!! You are not supposed to force it on another person! Faith is a choice moron!!!! That’s what makes it faith and a personal relationship!
So let’s entertain this for a minute: You want another person to behave and believe the way you do because you think its right. Why are you right and no one else? I am a Southern Missionary Baptist and I know that what makes a faith stronger and more loving is not beating a person down for beliefs they don’t have yet, but loving them and accepting them and LEADING them to your faith through love and understanding. You don’t have to lie and say you think its right. When asked for your opinion gives it to them. However, don’t force it on them! I mean think about it, you are taking your belief system and saying, THIS IS WRONG! DON’T FORCE IT ON ME! Yet not acknowledging that you are forcing YOUR belief system on them. It’s like our stupid country and how we are bent on making all other countries like ours! THESE COUNTRIES DON’T WANT THAT! THEY DIDN’T ASK FOR IT! AND OUR COUNTRY’S GOVERNMENT ISNT THAT GREAT! I quote Winston Churchill commenting to something similar to the Hobbes and Locke debate: “It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” Read on Hobbes and Locke a little on that. Yet another essay for another time.
Now let’s focus on the morons who think they are God’s gift to lesbians and gay men. Just because you are naked in the shower with a gay person doesn’t mean he is looking at you and lusting for you. Gay or lesbian doesn’t mean NYMPHO!!!!! The gay lifestyle actually affords the person the opportunity to be selective and peruse the sexual meat market for the body of their liking. Most likely, your little penis in the shower isn’t doing what you think its doing so let it go! If you do get hit on, consider it flattery as if it were a woman and say no! Move on with your life and get over it! Same for women exactly!
Now the next argument that always comes up is security and traitors. GAYS AND LESBIANS are more susceptible to being turned as traitors because of their nasty habit. PLEASE! First, let’s think about this. If it weren’t a point of contention, how can you blackmail some one and force them into being a traitor. Therefore, that’s the logical approach. Enough of that.
Then thinking of other problems, laws, and military code breakers. Adultery is a law as well that if broken in the military, you are to do time and can be punished a number of different ways depending on rank and other factors. Why isn’t that being practiced? You can definitely be blackmailed and coerced over that fault.
I’m just sick of the responses and idiocy. Let them get married, let them serve. Their sexual preference is between them and their god and if you feel like judging them and breaking God’s law that way (because the bible says Judge not lest ye be judged yourself. Moreover, that no man knows another man’s heart) then fine, say to yourself they’re going to hell and you’ll be self sanctified in your own mind!
One last biblical thought: In the bible, I read it says all manner of sin is forgivable save the sin of blasphemy. This tells me WE place morality and levels on sin. In God’s eyes, murder, lies, alcoholism, gay sex, whatever is all the same to God. It’s sin and doesn’t matter. Therefore, you little lies you tell, the lustful thoughts you have that Jesus said meant you had already committed adultery in your heart are all the same. Especially if you keep repeating them and not trying to rid your self of it, you are the same as a gay man or lesbian.
And remember, THIS IS CHRISTIAN BASED TALK!!!!!! Add the other faiths of the world into the mix and you’re just another voice! Leave these people alone and let them live! And don’t give me how America was founded on Christian principles. Read your history. It was not. It was founded on RELIGION TOLERANCE!!!!! And that was hard fought even after we escaped England and the Anglican Church but that’s another essay.
So for the transcendentalists, they thought it started with the self. As long as society wasn’t brought into it, morality was not an issue. And that’s true. Morality is not an issue in your on mind. It only becomes a factor when you affect another person’s life and when you have to interact. Read Self Reliance by Emerson some time and lighten up. The world could be a hell of a lot worse!
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