Training’s over. I did have an Aha moment for myself in that the training was a very high level view of knowledge I already have. I have now come to the realization I need to start applying the tools I have in more detail. By that, I mean I am using the tools I am comfortable with and recognize areas where I can use others but don’t apply them affectively. I can do better and my plan of action when I get back is to start preparing to do just that.
The main point I got after this epiphany was I have retained the knowledge even though I don’t use the nomenclature. The concepts are there and I need to employ them further. Lookout next years review. It will be even better.
The weekend is here and so is the weather. I have begun to like the cold weather some. It brings excitement but to me it also brings a longing to be in the woods with a bow or camera working and existing with the wildlife. I truly love sitting in a tree stand for 4 to 6 hours just watching the wildlife come to life around me as they either ignore me or get used to my presence. The things one sees are truly wonderful. I can understand to some extent why Thoreau would take off to the woods and spend so much time living alone.
I say some extent because the idea that one doesn’t need to be a part of society is a little too far for me. I agree with morality existing only in the company of another. I mean you can think anything in your head you want to. Until it comes out of your mouth, you are the only one to judge it. Only you know you and can be true to yourself. But once one has delved that far away and stayed away so long, getting back into society is a labor since you would give the impression of having turrets syndrome and vomiting vile ideas and beliefs onto am unassuming crowd of folks and would probably land you in some deepwater depending on the company you keep and where you live. Okay, now I am just rambling.
Touching on this however, I noticed through some studying recently I believe I am a hybrid transcendentalist. I dwell on the romanticism of nature and our impact to that ecosystem. I believe everything starts with the understanding of one’s self and we evolve from their using experiences and guidance from the respected and authoritative figures in our lives: good or bad. So applying that concept without the notion one doesn’t need to possess morality or social conformity, call me a transcendentalist.
Back to the weather, we’re looking at 3 more inches this weekend and freezing on Sunday. We still have plenty of researching and hunting to do for Christmas as well as just stock the homestead up with sustenance. If the weather holds out I still need to take the little girl to see some lights.
Not sure what I plan for dinners this weekend. Not in the mood for anything really but many things come to mind. I’ll probably have an idea by mid morning Saturday and post some menus on Facebook. Then in my daily notes here I’ll probably give a run down as well.
Gotta go now! Dave Letterman will be on with in the half hour, I have on demand to catch up on as well as start studying for my final next week. TTFN!
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