Sunday, September 6, 2009

You better jump in and not miss the boat...the river moves fast and...

You might not get to be part of it one day.

Today was a good day. I got up late because I have been on an odd cycle of staying up too late and for some reason I get into a euphoric state by the time I can relax and go to sleep. Then I fall asleep on the couch. Anyway, that’s nothing to do with why I write today.

I write today because I had a great time with my wife and daughter today: especially with my wife. I took her to a Christmas store that is only open on the weekends and it is the first weekend of the store being open. We saw some things that were cute but nothing struck either of us. They also had Halloween stuff which was cool as well and we obviously had the same reaction to this part of the store as we left with nothing.

But through the day as we looked at more seasonal items, I found some cookie cutters for Halloween so I could make my daughter and I some sugar cookies. And as each aisle came up, I remembered, and in some cases thanks to my wonderful wife, how much I love Halloween. And then she further reminded me about how I hated fall and the holidays when I first met her. I have a totally different take on things now though.

I love the time. The movies, the food, the smells and the sights. I am eager now to start watching the horror movies for Halloween. I have many in mind and own most of them.

I cant wait for Christmas to see my daughter finally take hold of the holiday and start experiencing it for what it is. The family atmosphere and the love she already receives each day will be there but it will be touched and canvassed by the sounds, sights and smells of the season.

So we came home from a great day of just being together and had a good dinner. I look forward to the rest of the weekend and the good things to continue to happen.

My family is truly awesome and my wife has given me a wonderful world that allows me to enjoy the best things in life every day and all I have to do is wake up and step into the river. Just float a long some time and experience the true joy of life and see where it takes you. Your soul will be ten years younger for one trip down I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so blessed to know you and have you in my life.

    Honestly. Nicky and I talk about our life "B.J." ("Before Jimmy" you dirty man). It was a life, we did giggle over stupid stuff (that started before you came around, I'm afraid), we did argue and fuss, we did get by on the little we had.

    But it wasn't the same. The way our lives have been enriched, it's like we have real purpose now.

    I still think we were meant to be, JR. Too many "near misses" when we met or didn't meet and then, finally did. It's like we were supposed to be together, blend our families, have KB and move through life as a unit. Hard to explain, but I know you get it.

    Cause you get me...:)

    Love to you, always and forever, my Muffin.
