Okay, technically I didn’t take this picture but it is relevant to my day and that’s how I plan on continuing this when I don’t take pictures and have time to write. So this is for September 28, 2009.
Meatloaf. The other day I was in the bathroom and had the stupid Target commercial stuck in my brain. The one where it sounds like a French chick trying to say mocha…I have no clue as to what is being said nor do I care. I just hate the commercial.
So I try to get it out of my head and start thinking of songs from the 70’s and “Two out of Three Ain’t Bad” pops in there. I was immediately flashed back to my summer of 6th grade and running around with my friends as we stayed out late, camped in the yard and became as close to derelicts as I would allow myself without getting into trouble with my mother. Because my mother would do more to me than the law ever would and I couldn’t bear to have her be disappointed in me.
So there I was showering, trying to wake up and clear my sinuses. My sinuses have been horrible these last few weeks with the change in weather and it is my first fall in the Chicago land area. So I am being exposed to some new molds and spores yay!!!! Sigh..
But I kept cleaning the cob webs as I had the chorus run over and over in my head, “I want you, (I want you…) I need you, ( I need you…) but there ain’t no way I’m ever gonna love you now don’t be sad. (Don’t be sad…cause) Cause two out of three ain’t bad.” And bam! It hit me! All these years and I just thought it was an ambiguous statement you know, “two out of three ain’t bad.” No, I finally know it is two out of the three things said. Taken from the old Elvis song, “I want you I need you I love you”. Two of the three but never gonna love you.
DO YOU KNOW HOW STUPID I FELT STANDING THERE WITH WATER RUNNING DOWN MY FACE? DUH!!!! Needless to say the Target ad was out of my head and I was awake and ready for work. Thanks Mr. Marvin Lee Aday for making me feel like an idiot for oh, 30 some odd years!
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