Actually, this is going to be very deep this evening (SARCASM) so any lightweight intellectuals may want to disregard reading this. So I was thinking about American Idol this weekend and the naming of Steven Tyler to the judges chair. Nice pick, I don’t like him or Aerosmith but he has talent obviously, has reinvented his sound to a younger generation and is living the dream again. Obviously, he qualifies for judging and will undoubtedly help some of the singers on their way: They will definitely be better if they listen to him.
But my judging chairs would be as follows: Jon Bon Jovi, Madonna, John Cougar Melencamp and Pat Benetar. I mean these people have reinvented, written, choreographed, produced and lived it all. They would be great I think. My opinion of course.
Enough of that. I have been looking at pictures and videos of folks I used to play with in different places around the country and miss it. I haven’t played guitar in a month or so and I would like to play more and eventually find a couple of folks to do some cover stuff locally just for fun. I don’t want to get signed and open up for Justin Beiber (OH GOD THAT WOULD SUCK!), I just want to play out in a comfortable setting that’s not too loud, be able to enjoy some other people playing and maybe do some impromptu stuff with them. But I haven’t sought that avenue out with anyone or any locations that do that sort of thing.
A place down in Knoxville used to do that and I played a couple of times with a friend of mine but I never really prepared or let myself go so that I performed as well as I can or as well as I should have. Missed opportunity and now I am missing the opportunity.
Anyway, watching the Orange Bowl and looking for friends that play up here maybe trying to get something going one day again. We’ll see I guess.
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