Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Realm from a Snuggie Covered Throne...

Sitting under my camo Snuggie won from my boss’s boss in a white elephant this year while writing an perusing blogs and Facebook. It’s a bit cold. My wife is a budgetmeister and keeps us freezing all the time. Especially when she goes to bed and I am left with my couch and TV. So I have to roll up under a Snuggie as seen on TV, so I don’t get hypothermia or frostbite. Seriously though, I did tease her about it today just playing around but she let out a little acknowledgement about always approaching the mail box with trepidation dreading the Nicor bill. AHA! J'accuse!

Actually, we don’t have a split heating and ac system for the upstairs/downstairs and we have HUGE cathedral ceilings in the living room so the heating and conditioning of our house sucks. So while I freeze down here, they sweat and lose weight up there. I hate heat man so I turn it down and wrap a Snuggie up. It’s a lot cheaper and easier for me to do that and let them have a decent temp to sleep in and besides, I like a blanket or something on the couch with stupid TV. I get some sunflower seeds, a glass of water and a little Numbers or NCIS and I’m good. And she got me all the Dexter books too so I have plenty of interesting things to read to let my eyes relax for sleep.

Speaking of sleep, while the kids were here I thought I may need to have a little help getting to sleep so I got some Tylenol PM to kid of help me a long. As most of you that follow me know, I tend to stay up late and if I miss the window for the sandman, it is TOUGH trying to get back into the moment and fall asleep. Then throw my temper into it and the night sucks. So I hit some Tylenol PM and it worked that first time. A few days later I had a head ache right before bed and some upset stomach so I hit it again with something for my stomach, fell asleep like a baby and relaxed well. NO DREAMS! I was just Nyquil out man! Down and then up the next day.

Then the kids were gone, I was back to my routine and before I knew, it was time to go back to work. I had rested well to get ready for work, no errands that were hard, my wife took it easy on me Sunday and we had a great weekend. Then she ironed for me so I didn’t have to but that night, Sunday that is, I couldn’t get to sleep and I had sinus pain building. Man I cant go in with that going on I have too much to do and get started on: This is going to be a big year for us and way too much to do. So I hit the Tylenol. I woke up and felt like I was a walking dream. Remember that scene in Young Guns? “We’re in the spirit world…they can’t see us!” (Stated all slow and dumblike.) That was me all day.

And first thing that morning I have an extended staff meeting with the guy I stole the Snuggie from, I can’t be lethargic and drug induced! That day was difficult to focus but I did it and it is behind me now. I hit it one more time on Monday night and it was late. I couldn’t get to sleep and head was feeling sinusy again like the original headache never went away and yep…Tuesday was a drag at first but I pushed through! NO MORE TYLENOL PM FOR ME! I cant handle it. Natural fatigue and boring TV will suffice.

I came home today with Taco Bell for dinner. I wanted to try that new Beefy Crunch Box. $5 man! That’s a lot of food! It was awesome as I thought. It created some excitement for me and Mel, well for me, I’ll let her chime in I she wishes. But we didn’t have to cook, no dishes, new meal to try and we had a party man. I, the wife and the little baby, a dose or two of AFV and the news and the dogs getting stupid because they cant have any it was fun. My stomach is stuffed and I dread tomorrow physically after the Taco Bell, but I think it was worth it.

Had some good discussions today at work with some folks. Things are heading in the right direction and it is exciting to see and hear the changes in people and seeing the energy that is there. We need to harness that this year and really focus on how we can develop and help each other grow this year. I am very excited about that for our company but really excited for our teams and what it holds for us in terms of personal and career growth. I have such a great team of people to work with. It is really growing into a family. They make me mad, they make me laugh, they inspire me and make me want to be better so I can be the leader they need as well as be the person I should be personally.

I have learned a lot in the training I have been to and in the ways I have applied different things and the more I take the time to reflect on those things, the better I become in all areas of my life. My family deserves the best of me and I should strive to provide that.

As long as I come home with the energy tomorrow, I think I may begin a regimen of guitar practice and get my fingers back in play. I need to play some Stevie and Jeff Healey as well as Gary Moore.

So it’s off to the couch to relax a little and get out from under the Snuggie and under a throw with my Dexter book and wait on Dave to pop on the tube. No on demand TV worth watching this week with all the reruns on TV but I have some DVD’s and a book and that will do. NIGHT!


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