Friday, October 15, 2010

Food Blog and Wishes for my special CFO

I got a lift from some of my coworkers this week in that they want me to start posting my recipes on facebook for the stuff I cook when I am bored or in the mood for something from back in my child hood. Aside from it being slop in my form, I guess it has an appeal and many want to try them so I guess I will do that.

I mainly do it just to say Hey look what I did: Especially if it’s baking! However, some of it turns out better than I expected and I guess I am proud of it and want to shout it out. Even if the family doesn’t like it, I do. I wish they liked a lot of the stuff I eat more. Like my cornbread with jalapeño. Nic likes it okay but the wife doesn’t like that style of cornbread at all. Always says it smells good and it comes out looking SCRUMPTIOUS!

So anyway, I guess I need to start.

Blessings wish to my wife. She does so much for us and I try to tell her and show her I care and I can’t say I do it enough. I love you. You work hard to keep us happy and I am so appreciative of it. I know there are things you want and we will get most of them and be happy trying to get the rest I promise. I wish there were more things I could do to make those a reality and I will try hard to do that for you. I love you!

1 comment:

  1. Awww honey...YOU work so hard to provide for all of us...we are a team. And I'm so glad for it.

    Love love love you.

    (lets' see those recipes)
