So I had my annual doctor’s visit recently. I had surprisingly lost 16 pounds. It wasn’t hard for me to believe as my body does respond well to drinking more water and less soda products. I don’t crave sweet things much at all but coke is my bane. I can drink them quickly and go through them entirely too quick for my own good. But I love iced tea too. Un-sweet. I know, I am southern and what southerner doesn’t like Sweet tea? Answer? Me.
So I am good on that front. I need to drink more water, tea and juice. I have coffee every now and then but mostly it is black. Occasionally I put some sugar and cream in but not often and not much.
My blood tests came back and I am extremely high in cholesterol and my sugar. I see my doctor this afternoon and I am afraid he will tell me I need to go on diabetic medicine of some short. I don’t think I am at the insulin shot level but I do know from symptoms I thought were related to other things, I am at the Diabetes 2 level. This will mean some major diet changes which I should have made anyway due to my fat butt being so sedentary.
The first problem I have is with carbohydrates. One they are cheap. So the poor man fills his meals with them: Bread, rice potatoes, corn. So this aspect alone will be a difficult one to harness. Reducing red meat. No problem there. I can eat chicken or fish everyday or even forgo meat for a few days for vegetable meals. Doesn’t bother me. It’s the bread and then the butter and sauces that make these meals awesome!
My new plan as of now will be to increase my fish and chicken intake for proteins. Baked fish of any kind especially salmon, chicken breast baked with many different kinds of vegetables. I have already purchased many frozen varieties in preparation of what I thought was coming. But I also want to start eating more salads. This will be using vinaigrette and Italian dressings more than the cream variety of course. My favorite is the zesty Italian Free. 0 calories and no sugar and it tastes awesome.
So I need to reduce the portion sizes of these carb meals. I mean I can think of the flavor and the way I build meals now with corn, potato and or rice as the sides then fried meat slammed on the plate. That’s two to three starches on one meal. Cheap yes but health wise, not good. That needs to change to the majority of the meal being green vegetables. Either steamed boiled or baked with less butter and salt. More flavor. Water and tea for beverage and if any bread is used it needs to be grained bread not enriched flower. It will work!
Then part two: GET OFF MY BOOTY! I need to do some in home calisthenics at least. What’s wrong with crunches, sit-ups and pushups? Why cant I use the stairs to do leg and glute exercises? I don’t need a gym to move my body enough to help it! I mean is that not better than poppin’ a twinkie and downing an RC while falling asleep watching Dexter? HELL YEAH!
I’m doing this people! This is my thing! A starting picture will follow this week of where I am complete with test results on the page. And then my next check up, another pic with results provided. I may not have stuck to my photo journal deal but this I will. This is my life. I got kids I want to see grow old and have kids that bug the shit out of them like they do me!
It’s done! Today is Monday. What better day to start something?
Love you honey!
And to my point: I have entered on calorie counter what I have consumed today and the break down is ridiculous!
57.3% is carbohydrate.
12.9% protein
29.8% fat
They gave me a C+ but I think it sucks!
I'm with you, these are changes that we both can make...:)
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