Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yadda Yadda...

I don’t get on here much. I was intending on writing a lot this year but my job has just absorbed me and now all I get done is work, reading my wife’s blog occasionally and Farmville on Facebook. Yes that absorbs a lot of time, work and Farmville. Sometimes I multitask and do both at the same time but here lately, I have not been afforded that opportunity. That’s a good thing though. As long as there’s work and I am progressing, I have a job.

We got back last week from a business trip and my truck was frozen. I think the starter froze with some water or something as well as some water in the gas line which caused it not to start. This was premature to the tune of two months as it needs to last at least that long so I can get into another vehicle. So this morning I tried to start it and it finally did. Sounded more like a fuel problem than a start so I am glad for that. BACK ON TRACK!

As I said early on in this post, I had intended to write everyday. I believe I lost quite a few that were going to follow it and I apologize. I may be able to pick it back up here soon once this part of my corporate year is over with. However not sure how long that will last as I want to go back to school this fall and get my MBA. Maybe minor in some sport thing and see if I can get into that arena. I have a knack for picking rookies that excel apparently. I either need to start betting on it or parlay it into a career and make some kind of money. I just don’t know that I want to travel that much if I’m not playing golf or fishing.

So anyway, I love my kids, love my wife, love my job and I cant wait till I can do what I want when I want or at least have the monetary means to do so. That would be cool in itself. Ta Ta!

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