Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Paterno and Occupiers..blah....

As I see all the fervor and support for Joe Paterno, I can understand how such atrocities can exist when people will first weigh in with their shock of an incident happening to a time honored institution before the severity of the human impact has touched the senses. I mean really, rioting because a man was let go for FAILING, that’s right I said FAILING as a human, coach and leader. I don’t care how many games this man has won, how many players have went through his hallowed halls, he failed miserably at his primary job as an authority figure. P-E-R-I-O-D. Thought I would spell that out since the actual punctuation doesn’t carry the weight it should.

The man admitted in the LEAST, that he knew enough and didn’t act the way he should. In addition, the moronic journalist goading on the trustees about how they were acting harshly before a verdict had been rendered in Sandusky and Paterno’s case is just plain stupid and now I can see why the people in all these cities that claim to be representing me and the rest of the 99% are failing miserably! I don’t want a reporter asking stupid questions like he is protecting my rights when he won’t look at a situation realistically in the place of protection he should be rendering to those kids in the first place!

I mean I don’t think enough has been done yet civilly actually. We have at least three coaches that failed as role models, leaders, coaches, men and fathers. They all had pieces of a puzzle that said something was happening. One saw it happening, told one person, and stopped there. I wonder f it were his kid would he feel he did enough by just telling Paterno? Rhetoric I know but the moron has had to think about that so I have no sympathy for him. Not to mention if it were me, or most any other man in this universe that wasn’t a pervert, we would have kicked the man’s ass right there, and the news head line would have been “Assistant Coach Everett kicked the shit out of a child molester and is now arrested for aggravated assault.” Because I would have picked up anything and beat the shit out of him! Incase you missed it earlier, P-E-R-I-O-D. Moreover, do you think any court would convict me knowing the facts we know now? And when I went home to my family, my wife and children, even if I went to jail, would hold their head high knowing I didn’t let one more kid be mistreated and scarred by these bumbling morons!

And that’s what this boils down to: we are adults. These children need us to protect them. THAT’S OUR JOB IN LIFE WHETHER WE HAVE KIDS OR NOT!!!!! They need and have to have us so GET OFF YOUR ASS and stop worshiping a fool and start being the adult, man, woman and coach, leader you’re supposed to be.

And Paterno, come on! You of all people don’t have the common sense to smack a mosquito off you. How can you have something brought to you like this and ignore it? I get something brought to me, I don’t care how much I know or think I know someone, I HAVE TO ACT ON IT AND FIND OUT THE TRUTH!!!!! Some things there is just NO recourse for but to take action. Sometimes it’s not what we want to do but we are backed in a corner and have to do THE RIGHT THING! I have had to do it many times and will not change a thing about the way I approach matters of severity.

It sickens and stuns me that someone at any level in any organization could turn such a blind eye to those little innocent children in this manner. SEND THEM ALL TO JAIL FOR NEGLECT AND ABUSE OF AUTHORITY FIGURE! THEY ALL DESERVE IT!!

And what is it with coaches now. I have seen articles where coaches are using racial slurs against their athletes, forcing them to take part in drills with adults, cussing them out and beating on them. My coaches were harsh and road our ass but never abusive and honestly, some of us probably urged it on by our behavior but it never happened that I was aware of.

Now I hit on the Occupy Wall Street thing a few minutes ago. Sorry fellas, I am not getting it and you look like morons. I understand the financial problems we have. I understand the problems with commerce, the global economy and such, but a sit in on Wall Street is only delaying a person on their way to Starbucks. Go to Washington! VOTE AGAINST THE MORONS! Not the Republicans, Independents, or Democrats. THE MORONS. Get educated abut who is running and get the people closest to doing the right things in there. Send the fogies home. Let’s generate some concern around term limits and how it ties to retirement. Why are we paying a full pension to a congressman or representative that serves one term? He wasn’t good enough to last more than on term HE DOESN’T DESERVE MONEY FOR LIFE! GOOD LORD MAKE THEM EARN IT LIKE WE DO! We don’t get to get pay for life if we don’t last at our jobs past a certain point. We get what we earn.

Set up a pension plan where they have to invest like we do. Make them invest in privatized healthcare.

I think it is unrealistic to make them hold down another job the way it used to be as the world is just to complex and large for that. We have grown to develop so many regulations and such that we need for our fairness, we need someone who only has that distraction and not having to provide for his/her family but the other things and benefits? Please!

In addition, the problem with the economy started with deregulation brought on by one party and carried out by the next. It’s not partisan. OUR COUNTRY LET it happen. If we told you we would give you $100 a month for free, you wouldn’t turn it down so why should any commercial institution. They’re thinking of themselves! Give them a rope…they’ll hang themselves. It’s like a Raven. The animal not a football player, the bird will explode on blood if allowed to engorge himself on a carcass nonstop. It’s his nature. Why stop?

Regulation, accountability are the two things we need in government. Partisanship is a symptom of a bigger problem. Agenda of Power. It will always be there and can never go away. George Washington knew it when he saw it in the early stages of the country. Regardless of Alexander Hamilton’s efforts to keep politics non partisan, it occurs because people have different views of what is right for the country. Washington knew that and knew that the basic concept of this was good for the country. And it is. What we have now is selfish thought. Many politicians are there trying to do what’s right and cant. Many things are held up and denied because a moron didn’t get his drainage ditch built in Arizona. Therefore, someone goes without benefits until the next bill can have a rider attached to cover the toothpaste factory in Utah. That’s government now. Trades, not differences. It’s been perverted and needs to be wiped clean.

Vote them out! Protest the WHY’s NOT THE WHO’s on WALL STREET! Occupy frikin Washington and do it like the guys did in the 60’s. Don’t make this a romantic notion! Make it a point that needs to be dealt with and fixed! THEN action will happen. The crap you guys are doing right now is just dirtying up the streets and looking stupid on TV.

Well, there ya go. I blathered and ranted. Comment and let’s argue!


1 comment:

  1. Completely agree with the Penn State thing Jimmy, Paterno and anyone else who knew should go to jail with Sandusky. It would be sad to see JoePa in jail, but if he did truly tell the AD and the President and they did not do anything, it is his responsibility to pick up the phone and call the police. PERIOD!

    We will have to agree to disagree on the OWS fleas. IMHO, this is a staged event to further the progressive agenda and promote class warfare. I believe Soros and other Socialists are behind this. Its already been documented by the media (a few mainstream, and others) that several of the organizations Soros supports are organizing and inciting the protestors. The Canadian organization that started it is partially funded by Soros. If this "protest" was "real" they would indeed be in Washington DC on the National Mall and on the steps of the Capital. They will never, ever get the support of the majority of Americans whining about what someone who works hard makes. Demands of free this, free that and guaranteed everything will never fly with hard working Americans. This is not only insane but does not work, ask France & Greece...

    If I were king, I would call a joint session of Congress and tell them all they are fired. The pages by the doors have each of you a check for $10,000 that will be the cap of what you can spend on your re-election. Until "We the People" take back OUR government, the princes and princesses will continue to look after their self interests and not ours. Make no mistake (listen up OWS fleas!) the only people who can even get elected are the people who are or are backed by the 1%.
