Thursday, September 29, 2011

C’mon man!

I have a few things of note today that make me wonder as I drive my 1.5 hours home and to work each day. Well on the way to work, I think about work and things I can do to help enable some change for the better or improve on something. On the way home, I am brain dead and think of silly crap like the list I have here. So today, I give you my “C’mon man!” segment.

1. What the heck does MW on the back of all these cars I see mean? First notice I make is they are all shitty drivers. The majority of them are unsafe, cut you off, change lanes in an intersection, constantly jockey around trying to get a spot ahead every mile as far as possible only to end up in the lane next to me waiting on the same light after risking everyone’s life and spending more gas than any of us with their tomfoolery. Do they get a ticket? No! But I will for going 12 over on a highway while other cars PASS ME ILLEGALLY!!!! C’mon man!

2. Has anyone ever went into a mattress store due to the little teen-ager that stands out with the mattress outfit on in the July sun dancing around to get your attention? I mean, is a mattress really an impulse buy that can be swayed because of a kid standing in the gutter waving like a moron? It’s a great way for a kid to make $7.00 bucks an hour but C’mon man!

3. Now it’s time for Sugarland: the band.  I apologize to those of my readers and dear friends that like them.  I have to say I do not.  The lead singer reminds me of Paula Dean and her overdone southern accent.  This woman let’s her “a’s” turn into “i’s” and every word is a shortened contraction version of another contraction.  Then there’s that little man hopping around the stage with his cowboy hat that’s bigger than he is like a little elf version of Garth Brooks.  The nervous energy that squirt emits needs to be bottled and besides, WHAT DOES HE DO?  I mean I see a show they do and he’s all firing off across the stage distracting everybody and then he’s gone.  I think finally!  Now we can listen to some music and hear her sing and then POW!  There he is again.  It’s like a little “wack-a-mole” game with him popping in and out of off screen or something!  I hope he writes because if not, the girl can sing and she don’t need his little bunny-fru-fru ass anyway.  Switch to decaf, sing like a normal person and stop ruining my radio!  C’mon man!

I’ll have more later and as I remember them, I’ll try to step in where Art Rooney is leaving off and fulfill the curmudgeon tendencies we all have and desire to talk about but wont. Enjoy your day!


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