So, here is some dinner conversation or ice breaker material for you to discuss next time you’re in need of mindless ridiculous subjects. First, let me preface this with why I thought about it. I had read an article that folders are more likely to pass more germs than wadders when they wipe in the bathroom. The link to some studies is here. There are more believe it or not. Apparently, this is a hot topic in the science and statistical communities.
Just to run down some statistics:
44% wipe from front to back from behind their backs.
60% look at the paper after they wipe.
50% say that they have wiped with leaves.
8% have wiped with their hands.
2% have wiped with money.
The following are some interesting percentages on toilet paper use taken from a Kimberly Clark survey in July 5th, 2000. It shows that more men "fold" and more women "wad".
40% fold or stack, 40% wad or crumple, 20% wrap it around their hand.
52% (Men) & 38% (Women) are "folders"
38% (Men) & 52% (Women) are "wadders"
6% (Men) & 6% (Women) have no preference
4% (Men) & 3% (Women) don't know
So I was in the bathroom and was washing my hands and reached to dry with the towel. I noticed I always grab three regardless of how long I wash my hands. The guy in the other side getting paper towels was damaging Brazil with as many towels as he was grabbing. Some how I got to thinking about the toilet paper and how I am a folder and how the study said I would get more germs than a wadder. (Which I don’t see how since its all wadded up and nasty! But then again, IT’S TOILET PAPER PEOLE AND IT’S RUBBING YOUR BOOTY! So there you go, DISCUSS!!!!!!!! And post your thoughts here, I won’t tell anyone. Heh!
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