Monday, October 15, 2012

Had a minute, thought I'd write

I spent most of my weekend in Azeroth. It was good to spend a lot of time on a mindless or let me say pointless use of my faculties. I don’t think its mindless as there is a lot of brain work that h as to go on figuring out what to do, when to do it and other strategies. I cleaned up my character list a little and deleted all my characters except one: a Dwarf I made about a week ago and have him to level 30 already. Given there wasn’t any football that interested me, basketball hasn’t started for real yet, and baseball I am just not into as the White Sox didn’t make it in after all their efforts. We did most of our shopping on Friday and my wife took the little devil with her on some mini errands on Saturday so I got to splurge in self indulgent crap for two days.

Aside from our diet this weekend, I think we had a fairly decent time. The meals we had were not that grand. I spilled the seasoning I planned to use on my stew and had to improvise and it didn’t turn out as I wished. I made bread sticks minus a key ingredient and that had the entire house, dogs included, bound up for a day or so since they were so heavy. Here’s to next weekend being better in the culinary realm.

I have a big meeting this week with U.S. Cellular®. It’s our annual meeting to discover how well we are doing on the culture and what we need to focus on that will move us forward on how we do business. That takes up some time and for the first time isn’t occurring on the weekend. This is nice save that I am missing my regular Anthropology class but my professor has me coming in on Wednesday to be able to stay on schedule with my lectures, which is cool. Another exam, the second of the term, is scheduled the following week. Yippee.

Fantasy football stinks this year: not because I am not winning. I am 4 and 1 in one league, 3 and 2 in two others and 2 and three in one league. Its just so frikin’ inconsistent and annoying: And this year, it doesn’t make watching anymore fun. If I do it next year, I may just do one team because this year is definitely not fun at all. I am always conflicted because I don’t have the same players on every team so sometimes I am playing against a player I need to win in another league. Stinks, I won’t be doing that again. And of course UT has fallen down a cesspool and fell apart AGAIN. I’m starting to wonder if they will bounce back in my lifetime given my age and the rate of change being so slow at that university as well as the damage done by ignorant Lane Kiffin.

And off I go. Meetings with leaders from around the company today as they are all in town for the meeting this week. So I get to see lots of friends from all over the company.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Not for Obama, but against crap...

So, I understand the thoughts behind many opposing Obama. Most is political. Some is founded in disconnect with their beliefs on the direction for the country and that is a valid and ALWAYS relevant concern in any election.

I see statements also more harsh in terms of his performance, focus and what he plans to do: some based in fact, others in lose conjecture as well as opposing the belief structure of said opposition. Again, these are valid concerns and definitely not above criticism.

I also have misgivings about his performance in terms of the focus I closely identified with and deem as the HIGHEST of importance of gaining better teamwork with a Congress that has really fallen apart and turned into a retirement home for the nation’s political leaders. This needs to change and little has been done to address it based on the visibility we see through the media (Which is yet another bone of contention for our constituency.) I have enough misgivings I am looking for alternative representatives to vote for in this election that lie closer with my concerns and view point.

But as of late and more frequently, I see not only Mr. Obama, but many, many other leaders and figures being blamed for things that first they had nothing to do with and second, really? Are you that mad and feel that much hatred toward one human being that you want to saddle them with every problem you deem a problem?

Case in point, it was recently reported that since 2007, the amount of Americans that do not claim a religious affiliation, i.e., catholic, protestant etc…has risen to 19%: a growth from near 14% in 2007. So in come the rants against Obama for driving everyone away from religion. Really? An ongoing trend of I don’t know how many years and you blame a man that has been President for not even four of them yet to have caused a rise in people not claiming a religious affiliation? Not only that, but you take that number to mean that, “Atheists are on the rise in America! It must be that damn Muslim in the White House!” Because that’s his true mission. Not to make a good name for himself by helping America become prosperous or doing his part to try and help unite parties in one accord (both very ambitious dreams for ANYONE) but he wants to drive the populous towards atheism and reduce protestants so he can take over the MUSLIM WORLD! FREAKS OF NATURE!

First off, why does it matter WHAT denomination he is anyway, even though he isn’t Muslim? If he was, so what?! We cant be voting on the notion of denomination because NONE OF US WANT TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO OR HOW TO WORSHIP BY ANOTHER DOCTRINE WE DON’T BELIEVE IN!!!!! THAT’S WHAT THE COUNTRY WAS TRULY ESTABLISH FOR: RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE! Yes Christian Principles were used to develop the country but if you check Maryland and Pennsylvania back in the 1600’s, they were the most tolerant society for religious worship by far and had Muslim and Jewish communicates with Quakers, shakers and Anglicans which was what George Washington was. The original Church of England we were being persecuted by.

My main point here is that I see nothing but hate being spouted in all directions. Erroneous facts being slung in every media not only by the candidates and parties but by friends.

A report was just released today that the housing market is showing the lowest foreclosure rate in 5 years. So, this downward trend is attributed to????? Cant be Obama cause he sucks and honestly, the only reason the trend is down is because most of the homes are already through the foreclosure process and has nothing to do with him. Any explanation to not give credit or to blame him for things that occur on a regular basis because we allow our officials to take liberties without calling them to the carpet.

I’m just really tired of the hate and focus on a mans faith, birth certificate or tax returns instead of what they PLAN to do and what they DIDN’T do.

I firmly believe, EVERY politician goes into office with the intent of doing good and the system is so messed up and large now they cant. And we are left with the media circus that distorts it even further so they the politicians cant focus on their jobs. No names, no parties, just the system and its abuse is the problem. It didn’t cause atheism which should be allowed as a principal to justify the belief of your deity even stronger.

We suck as a species when it comes to this nature of things. We are many years away from being self reliant and moralistically thoughtful to each other without trying to impose what we believe is RIGHT on another person by means of political laws and regulations. The reason we discuss, the separation of church and state is that it IS such a personal decision it should NOT infringe on the rights of another person. If we refuse to get out of the homes religious practices, we will never be free and never provide the level of respect we are asking for in each election.